Safex Electric wire rope hoists are designed in modular constructions which greatly simplifies repairs & cuts downtime. The special features are low headroom, spur/helical gears running on antifriction ball bearings with lubrication, motors confirming to IS 325, “fall to safe” brakes which automatically operate in case of any power failure, tested wire rope confirming to IS 2266, forged hooks conforming to IS 3815 and push button stations operating at step down voltage of 110 V, 42 V or 24 V.
Safex Hoists are designed in accordance with IS 3938.
Safex hoists are compact, rugged & elegant in appearance to accommodate specific requirements, Safex hoists can also be built with micro speed arrangements (10% of normal hoisting speed),flexible trolleys to negotiate s mall radius, high speeds & high lifts, hoists suitable for steel mill duty, foundries & chemicals plants.
Capacity : Upto 50,000 Kg
Span : Upto 40 Mtrs.
Height of Lift : Upto 75 Mtrs.